Depression in Adolescence

Munira Panjwani*, Khadija Dossa**, Qammerulnisa Qasim Ali***, Dilshad Didar Jummani****, Ahsun Jiwani*****
*-***** Student, Aga Khan University School of Nursing and Midwifery, Karachi, Pakistan.
Periodicity:November - January'2015


Presently, morbidity rates due to mental illness are increasing hastily. Among these mental illnesses, anxiety and depression are most common. The rate of depression, specifically among adolescence, has shown an alarming increase worldwide including Pakistan. Inability to cope with series of substantial physiological, social and psychological changes during adolescent period can increase the risk of depression. Wide varieties of treatment modalities are available for depression which includes physical treatments, psychological treatment, self-help and alternative therapies. Despite the number of treatment modalities available, prevention and early diagnosis are the fundamental interventional strategies needed to control depression. In Pakistan particularly, rate of depression can be decreased by combined efforts of governmental and non-governmental organization.


Depression, Adolescence, Pakistan, Prevalence, Incidence.

How to Cite this Article?

Panjwani, M., Dossa, K., Ali, Q.Q., Jummani, D.D., and Jiwani, A. (2015). Depression in Adolescence. i-manager’s Journal on Nursing, 4(4), 6-11.


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