Dengue more Prevalent than Previously Thought: An Epidemiology Approach

Samin Sulaiman*, Shamsa Hadi**, Kehkashan Karim***, Saniya Iqbal****, Asma Amir Ali*****, Faiza Rafiq******
*-****** Student, Aga Khan University School Of Nursing And Midwifery, Karachi.
Periodicity:November - January'2015


Dengue fever is nowadays the most common health concern of the world. It is a rapidly growing vector-borne disease and is extending from prevalent countries to other parts of the world. It is estimated that 390 million people suffer from dengue per year worldwide. The dengue fever has become endemic in Pakistan recently.21,204 cases were reported in Pakistan in 2010. Each year the cases for dengue fever and mortality rates are increasing. Dengue exerts a huge burden on population, Health systems and economics as well. It is important to review the literature available and work on the preventive measures to control the spread of dengue. The method used is literature review in which we found that dengue cases are rising globally thus, creating an increasing threat to human kind. Since there is no dengue-specific treatment and vaccine, the limited ways out to this disease are disease prevention and symptomatic case management. Preventions at individual and national level can reduce the risk of dengue and early detection can prevent complications of the disease. There is a growing research demand for the development of dengue vaccine. An investigation need for management of the disease also exists. A critical issue was found that platelet transfusion, which is used during the course of dengue treatment, is of no worth because it neither prevents bleeding nor shortens the cessation time of bleeding and causes significant complications. This is still a dilemma and further research is needed on this topic.


Dengue, Vector-Borne, Endemic, Vaccine, Platelet Transfusion.

How to Cite this Article?

Sulaiman, S., Hadi, S., Karim, K., Iqbal, S., Ali, A.A., and Rafiq, F. (2015). Dengue more Prevalent than Previously Thought: An Epidemiology Approach. i-manager’s Journal on Nursing, 4(4), 1-5.


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