Clustered Micro Calcification Detection Based On the Texture Feature Extraction Using Adaptive Bilateral Filter Of Mathematical Morphology

B. Sridhar*, K.V.V.S. Reddy**, A.M. Prasad***
* Faculty, Department of ECE, Lendl Institute of Engineering and Technology, Vizianagaram, India.
** Professor, Department of ECE, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, India.
*** Professor, Department of ECE, JNT University, Kakinada, India.
Periodicity:April - June'2014


A morphological adaptive bilateral filter based scheme has been proposed for textures segmentation of small field digital mammograms. Mathematical morphology offers flexible operations for extraction of micro calcifications. Unlike the traditional texture filters, adaptive bilateral filter is applied to remove the noise and improve the quality of the selection of the different texture regions. The proposed method uses an adaptive threshold selection, which can remove unwanted textures region from image. The texture regions extract the features of micro calcification and noise boundaries are smoothing again by adaptive bilateral filter. Segmentation results are displayed by inclusion of textures with input image. The proposed method is experimented on 10 micro calcification images and the quality of the method is evaluated.


Texture Segmentation, Feature Selection Adaptive Thresholding, Micro Calcifications, Mathematical Morphology, Adaptive Bilateral Filter.

How to Cite this Article?

Sridhar.B., Reddy.K.V.V.S., and Prasad.A.M. (2014). Clustered Micro Calcification Detection Based On the Texture Feature Extraction Using Adaptive Bilateral Filter of Mathematical Morphology. i-manager’s Journal on Software Engineering, 8(4), 17-24.


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