Study of Molybdenum Contact to Multi Crystalline Silicon for Thin Film Solar Cells Application

Haneh S.Younessi*, Elaheh Akbarnejad**, Mahmood Ghoranneviss***
*-*** Plasma Physics Research Centre, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
Periodicity:October - December'2014


To obtain a suitable ohmic contact with low specific contact and sheet resistance, a thin film of Mo~1μm is deposited on n-type multi crystalline Si wafer by RF sputtering in Argon atmosphere. The ohmic characterization of Molybdenum contact was investigated by the Keithley 2361 and the sheet resistance was measured by the four point probe. Two sets of experiments were carried out to study the resulting deposition of Molybdenum thin film. In the first experiment, during the deposition process, the RF power was varied at constant 100, 200 and 300 Watts and in the second experiment RF power was kept at a constant 300W, while the Ar gas flow was varied at constant 10, 30 and 50Sccm.The specific contact  resistance was not affected by varying the RF power of deposition; it remained at about 1×10-3 Ωm2 . However, the sheet  resistivity reduced to 1.6×10-5 Ωm. Although varying the RF power did not impact the resistivity of the contact by much, the XRD spectra of the samples show that there was an increase in the crystalline structure, as the RF power was increased. The best result was achieved with the lowest Ar gas flow with the specific contact resistance of 8×10-4 Ωm2  and the sheet resistivity of 3.3×10-6 Ωm.The low Ar gas flow not only yielded the sample with the lowest specific contact and sheet resistivity, it also produced the sample with the most orderly deposited molybdenum grains; as observed with the SEM.


Mo (Molybdenum), Si (Silicon), Contact, FESEM (Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy)

How to Cite this Article?

Younessi, H. S., Akbarnejad, E. and Ghoranneviss, M. (2014). Study of Molybdenum Contact to Multi Crystalline Silicon For Thin Film Solar Cells Application. i-manager’s Journal on Electrical Engineering , 8(2), 1-5.


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