Cost Effective Production of Submersible Pump Sets Using DCR Technology

S. Manoharan*, N. Deevarajan**, M. Deivasahayam***, G. Ranga Janardhana****
*Research Scjolar,GCT,Coimbatore.
***J.M.D. Mehala Machines India Ltd.,Coimbatore.
****Consultant Engineer,Coimbatore.
Periodicity:October - December'2008


This paper presents the cost effective production of submersible pump sets by decreasing the core length and increasing the efficiency of its prime mover, i.e.) squirrel cage induction motor by using Die-cast Copper Rotor (DCR) technology. By reducing the stack length of DCR the various electrical parameters including the low voltage performance are measured and compared with the existing Copper Fabricated Rotor (CFR) in a range between (3— 10) Hp 3 phase and 1 Hp single phase wet type water cooled induction motors in accordance with IS 9283. The overall performance of submersible pump sets is also practically verified in accordance with IS 8034. The cost comparison between the existing CFR and DCR’s are also reported and found that by merely replacing CFR with reduced core length DCR we can save about 15% of the initial cost with out sacrificing the overall efficiency of the pump set as indicated by IS 8034.


Induction Motor, Efficiency improvement, Submersible Pump Set, Die- cast copper Rotor, Copper Fabricated Rotor, Energy Efficiency.

How to Cite this Article?

S. Manoharan , N. Deevarajan , M. Deivasahayam and G.Ranga Janardhana (2008). Cost Effective Production of Submersible Pump Sets Using DCR Technology. i-manager’s Journal on Electrical Engineering, 2(2), Oct-Dec 2008, Print ISSN 0973-8835, E-ISSN 2230-7176, pp. 23-30.


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