Analysis, Control And Diagnostic Investigations For The Optimal Operation Of Ocean Wave Based Fluid Dynamic System Integrated With Brushless Induction Generator

Bhagwan Shree Ram*, B.L. Mathur**
*Professor and HOD ,EEE(PG)A.M.S Engineering College,Namakkal,T.N.,India.
**Professor ,EEE Dept .SSN College of Engineering ,Chennai,T.N.,India.
Periodicity:October - December'2008


A considerable amount of energy is present in the ocean waves pounding against the breakwater. Waves are generated by the force of the wind blowing over the ocean’s surface. The water’s surface acts like a great conveyor belt, delivering power from great distances. It is the power of the circular motion that must be converted to useful energy by a wave energy device such as Oscillating Water Column (OWC). The self cascade machine has the potential to be used as a Brushless Induction Generator (BIG). It has two stator windings namely the output winding and the excitation winding and a multi phase short circuited rotor winding. The output and excitation windings are wound for two different pole numbers. These stator windings could be in the form of two independent winding or a single winding. Excitation is provided through the excitation winding and power is extracted from output winding. Both the stator windings are decoupled from each. other. The present research work investigates the potentiality of electrical power generation for the optimal operation of ocean wave based fluid dynamic system integrated with brushless induction generator (BIG). It is aimed at achieving a constant DC voltage at the output irrespective of the variation in the prime mover speed.


Oscillating Water Column (OWC), Ocean wave based fluid dynamic system, brushless induction generator (BIG).

How to Cite this Article?

Bhagwan Shree Ram and B.L. Mathur (2008). Analysis, Control And Diagnostic Investigations For The Optimal Operation Of Ocean Wave Based Fluid Dynamic System Integrated With Brushless Induction Generator. i-manager’s Journal on Electrical Engineering, 2(2), Oct-Dec 2008, Print ISSN 0973-8835, E-ISSN 2230-7176, pp. 16-22.


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