Impact of Metacognitive Practices and Assorted Assessment Modalities towards Creating Self-Regulated Learners

Sreevrinda Nair N*
Assistant Professor, N S S Training College, Pandalam.
Periodicity:September - November'2014


Worldwide efforts are increasing to infuse thinking skills into the curriculum, which are part of cognitive behavior, and to include them in the instructional strategies, which will make the learner producer of knowledge and help to create a sense of responsibility among them. Meta cognitive learning activities immerse students in challenging tasks and it creates a space for students to discuss, debate new ideas and allows them to introspect, assess and set targets for learning. The objectives of the study is aimed at implementing Meta cognitive practice namely problem solving towards constructing a culture of thinking in classrooms and to capacitate the students to practice self-assessment modalities through the creation of a strategy evaluation proforma on the select classroom practice. 45 Secondary school students from three schools belonging to three districts of Kerala namely Pathanamthitta, Alappuzha and Kottayam were selected for the study. The data was collected through a Strategy Evaluation Proforma. The strudy reveals that highly participative and interactive instructional climate inculcated in the problem solving practice allowed the students to strengthen their motivation towards becoming better problem solvers. The study also reveals that this type of assessment technique will enhance creative thoughts of students as well as promote their thinking capabilities in a worthy manner. Such type of enriched environment helps the students to flourish the learning process and engage their brain with intriguing and inviting intellectual challenges.


Metacognition, Problem Solving, Assessment Techniques, Strategy Evaluation Proforma

How to Cite this Article?

Sreevrinda Nair. N (2014). Impact of Metacognitive Practices and Assorted Assessment Modalities towards Creating Self-Regulated Learners. i-manager’s Journal on School Educational Technology, 10(2), 46-51.


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