Finite Element Analysis for Optimal Design of Filament Wound Composite Tubes

Yasser Rihan*, B. Abd El-Bary**
* Atomic Energy Authority, Hot Lab. Center, Egypt.
** Menoufia University, Faculty of Engineering, Production Engineering & Mechanical Design Department, Egypt.
Periodicity:October - December'2014


Filament wound composite tubes can be used for making high-pressure storage tanks, rocket motor cases, and launch tubes, and for commercial applications, such as golf club shafts and fishing rods. A variety of fibers and resins can be used, depending on the cost and the level of performance needed. This paper presents the results of a mathematical modeling investigation into the behavior of the filament wound composite tubes subjected to various loading conditions. Filament wound tubes were modeled as multi layered orthotropic tubes and several analyses were performed on these tubes by using finite element method (FEM). Three types of fiber epoxy tubes with different wind angles, level of orthotropy and various ratios of the loading conditions were produced and tested for the behavior of filament wound composite tubes. The required data were obtained for the design of filament wound composite tubes under combined loading. The mathematical model used was validated using experimental data obtained from filament wound tube tests in previous studies.


Finite element, ANSYS, Design, Filament wound tube, Composite material.

How to Cite this Article?

Rihan, Y., & El-Bary, B. A. (2014). Finite Element Analysis for Optimal Design of Filament Wound Composite Tubes. i-manager's Journal on Material Science, 2(3), 1-11.


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