Multiple Intelligences: Current Trends in Assessment

Marsha Harman J*, Thomas Kordinak S**, Jerry Bruce J***
* - *** Professor of Psychology, Department of Psychology and Philosophy, Sam Houston State University
Periodicity:November - January'2009


With his theory of multiple intelligences, Howard Gardner challenged the presumption that intelligence is a single innate entity.  He maintained that multiple intelligences exist and are related to specific brain areas and symbol systems. Each of the intelligences has its merits and limits, but by using a multiple intelligences approach, more children will likely find their place in society. Assessing and identifying multiple intelligences in individuals has been difficult with some efforts psychometrically challenged. The present investigators argue that individual intelligence tests have subtests that could actually assist in identifying at least some of the individual’s multiple intelligences.


Multiple Intelligences, Intelligence Assessment, Howard Gardner.

How to Cite this Article?

Marsha Harman J, Thomas Kordinak S and A. Jerry Bruce (2009). Multiple Intelligences: Current Trends in Assessment. i-manager’s Journal on Educational Psychology, 2(3), 9-13.


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