Energy Efficient Routing Protocol for MANETS

Shivam Kapoor*, Rajesh Kumar**
* Research scholar, Thapar University, Patiala, Punjab, India.
** Head of Department, School of Mathematics and Computer Applications, Thapar University, Patiala, Punjab, India.
Periodicity:June - August'2014


Deployed in 1990’s, Mobile Adhoc networks have been widely researched for many years. Mobile Ad-hoc Networks are a collection of two or more devices equipped with wireless communications and networking capability. These devices can communicate with other nodes that are within their radio range or one that is outside their radio range. For the later, the nodes should select an intermediate node to be the router to forward the packets from the source to the destination. In MANETs every node can act as the gateway. In this dissertation, focus is laid on energy efficiency. There are many routing protocols in MANETs like DSDV, DSR and AODV etc. and each one has its own approach for dissemination of data packets in MANETs. But these routing protocols are less energy efficient. The aim of this dissertation is to design a routing protocol which would be better than the existing ones in terms of energy utilization and delivery ratio. In this dissertation an energy efficient routing protocol has been proposed which uses Dijakstra’s algorithm as a fundamental algorithm to route the nodes to their intended destination and a comparison is laid between the proposed protocol, AODV, DSDV and DSR, and the performance measures are evaluated.


Energy, MANETs, Protocol, Efficiency, Routing, Packets, Delivery Ratio

How to Cite this Article?

Kapoor, S., and Kumar, R. (2014). Energy Efficient Routing Protocol For Manets. i-manager’s Journal on Information Technology, 3(3), 40-52.


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