Analyzing the Performance of Routing Protocols for Multicasting and Group Communication in Mobile AD-HOC Network

Neha Gandotra*, Rajesh Singh**
* PhD Scholar, IFTM University, Moradabad.
** Professor , ECE Department, UPES, Dehradun.
Periodicity:February - April'2014


A Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET) is a collection of wireless mobile terminals that are able to dynamically form a temporary network without any aid from fixed infrastructure or centralized administration. In recent years, MANETs are continuing to attract the attention for their potential use in several fields such as military activities, rescue operations and time-critical applications. A very important and necessary issue for mobile ad hoc networks is to find the route between source and destination, which is a major technical challenge due to the dynamic topology of the network. Routing protocols for MANETs could differ depending on the application and network architecture. The efficiency of the wireless link can be increased by multicasting, through sending single copy of messages to all group members. This kind of approach is called clustering in MANET. For this one node work as controller and some node act as normal node. This controlling node assigns channel in its group, and that kind of many groups are formed in the network and called as clusters. Various protocols are proposed for this task. But we will design and implement some of the protocols which are most efficient and reliable. The scope of improvement in these protocols are done by analysis and comparisons.


MANET, Multicasting, Group Communication, Simulation.

How to Cite this Article?

Gandotra, N., and Singh, R., (2014). Analyzing the Performance of Routing Protocols for Multicasting and Group Communication In Mobile Ad-Hoc Network. i-manager’s Journal on Communication Engineering and Systems, 3(2), 16-21.


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