Data and Voice Issues among the Telecommunication Companies in the Upper East Region of Ghana

Salifu Abdul-Mumin*, Obour Kennedy Yeboah**
* Lecturer, University for Development studies, Faculty of Mathematical Sciences, Department of Computer Science
** National Service Personnel, National Service Secretariant, Kumasi, Ghana.
Periodicity:February - April'2014


The evolution and growth of the telecommunications industry over the past four decades has been responsible for the tremendous changes in the technology of human communication. Now telecommunication architecture had moved from complex to simple making many people to have access to mobile devices. People expect to move around easily with their mobile devices, keeping close communications with their partners, friends and family without worrying about Data and Voice Issues. This paper is to investigate the data and voice issues among the telecommunication companies operating in the Upper East region of Ghana. Issues concerning call drop, call congestion and internet connectivity among network operators have been investigated and analyzed. General rating of the various telecos operating in the region is also presented in this paper.A test to ascertain whether subscribers will change their network provider if the network is persistently bad has also been presented.


Data, Voice, Telecommunication, Congestions, Fading, Interference, Handovers.

How to Cite this Article?

Abdul-Mumin, S. and Yeboah, O. K. (2014). Data and Voice Issues among The Telecommunication companies in the upper East Region of Ghana. i-manager’s Journal on Communication Engineering and Systems, 3(2), 1-15.


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