Steady State Analysis of IEEE-6 Bus Power System Using Power World Simulator

Shekhappa G. Ankaliki *, Shashikumar R**, Nagarathna. M. C***, Priyanka Biradar****
* Professor, Electrical & Electronics Engineering Department, SDMCET, Dharwad, Karnataka, India.
**,***,**** PG Scholars, Electrical & Electronics Engineering Department, SDMCET, Dharwad, Karnataka, India.
Periodicity:May - July'2014


This paper presents the steady state analysis of power system using Power World Simulator. Analysis gives information about system voltage, power flows and losses in the system at different loading conditions. Analysis will recommend suggestion for stable operation of the system. The analysis is demonstrated by considering a case study of IEEE 6 bus power system. The performance analysis of the change in voltage and reactive power at the load side and generator side is done using the Power World Simulator software package (Version 16GSO). The outcome of this work helps in steady state monitoring, expansion of existing power system and design of new power system


Steady State Analysis, Power World Simulator

How to Cite this Article?

Ankaliki, G. S., Shashikumar, R., Nagarathna, M. C., and Biradar, P. (2014). Steady State Analysis of IEEE-6 Bus Power System Using Power World Simulator. i-manager’s Journal on Power Systems Engineering, 2(2), 24-27.


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