This paper explains the effect of impulse transient surge on Control and Monitoring Electronic Instrument (CMEI) System with different suppressing technique, which has been installed in the areas where lightning and thunderstorm, occurs more frequently and under particular meteorological conditions. This Surge Protection Equipment (SPE) should be tested and replaced periodically. Lightning is nothing but a dispersion of an electrical charge between two different charge regions within the cloud flash or between a negatively charged region and ground flash. This earth flash can create problems in Control and Monitoring Electronic Instrument (CMEI) System. Suppressing technique is used not only to protect the physical hardware of electronic instrument, But also to ensure continued process control and measurement. Most process control, indication, monitoring and measuring electronic instrument ordinations are interconnected by signal and power cables, which run in ducting, on cable trays or buried under the ground [5]. Direct Lightning discharge, Electrostatic or Electromagnetic Induction Surge, and Lightning Surge caused by Ground Potential Rise (GPR) generates impulse transient voltage that propagates through the plant electrical power distribution via power cables [1], which couples with data flow signal cables and gets transmitted to electronic instrument. Impulse Transient Voltage (surge or Spikes) are sudden changes in current or voltage that occurs over a short period of time, which can damage the field transmitters, controlling and monitoring devices located in remote locations, or Computer terminals containing low-power semiconductor electronic devices due to over voltage as a result of rise in ground potential. Long distance installed Instruments like controlling or monitoring devices located in remote locations suffer from High impulse transient voltage and consequently component failure while short distance field mounted instruments (such as field transmitter) suffers significant damage.