TMOC: A Model for Lecturers' Training to Management of Online Courses in Higher-Education

Yaron Ghilay*, Ruth Ghilay**
* Lecturer in Neri Bloomfield Centre of Design and Education, Haifa, Israel.
** Educational Counsellor in Primary Education.
Periodicity:July - September'2014


The study examined a new model called TMOC: Training to Management of Online Courses. The model is designed to train lecturers in higher-education to successfully create, deliver and develop online courses. The research was based on a sample of lecturers, who studied in a course based on the new model at the Mofet Institute in Tel-Aviv (n=20). The course included all components and characteristics of TMOC and learners were asked to answer a questionnaire focused on the following two basic constituents:

1. Required contents that should be studied in order to become a successful manager of online courses in highereducation.

2. Effective ways needed in order to achieve that mission.

The research reveals that according to faculty members' views, the new model is very helpful for them to become online course managers. Therefore, there is a significant worthiness to adopt it for training lecturers in higher-education to deal with online learning.


TMOC, Online Teaching, Computerised Assessment, LMS: Learning Management System, OTLA: Online Teaching Learning and Assessment, TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design).

How to Cite this Article?

Ghilay,Y., and Ghilay, R. (2014). TMOC: A Model For Lecturers' Training To Management Of Online Courses In Higher-Education. i-manager’s Journal of Educational Technology, 6-16.


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