Wireless Machine-To-Machine Healthcare Solution Using Android Mobile Devices In Global Networks

PG Scholar, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, V.V College of Engineering,Tisayanvilai, Tirunelveli.
Periodicity:February - April'2014
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jmt.1.1.2912


This paper presents the development of a personal Machine to Machine healthcare system that is both flexible and scalable. Based on the IPv6 protocol, the system can be used over a low power wireless personal area network. Since a hierarchical network structure offers excellent accessibility, the system is applicable to both local and International healthcare services. To further enhance scalability and reliability, the proposed system combines low power wireless personal area network with mobile techniques, depending on whether the sensor is located inside or outside the range of a wireless sensor network. Employing wearable low power sensors, the system measures health parameters dynamically. For wireless transmission, these sensors are connected to a machine to machine node either through the internet or through an external IPv4/IPv6 enabled network. The low power wireless personal area network protocols to wide area networks were verified in practical tests using a machine to machine gateway. To assess the physical health of an individual, the system uses heart rate variability analysis in time and frequency domain. Acquired data are first stored on a server for analysis. Result of the analysis is then automatically sent to Android based mobile devices carried by the individual or appointed healthcare providers. In this way, mobile techniques are used to support remote health monitoring services. This personal machine to machine healthcare system has the capacity to accurately process large amount of biomedical signals. Moreover, due to its ability to use mobile technology, the system allows the patient to conveniently monitor their own health status, regardless of location.


M2M (Machine - To - Machine), UDP (User Datagram Protocol), ANS (Automatic Nervous System).

How to Cite this Article?

Jenifer, J. (2014). Wireless Machine-To-Machine Healthcare Solution Using Android Mobile Devices In Global Networks. i-manager’s Journal on Mobile Applications and Technologies, 1(1), 13-19. https://doi.org/10.26634/jmt.1.1.2912


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