Cognitive Versus Learning Styles: Emergence of the Ideal Education Model (IEM)

Mohammad Ali Salmani Nodoushan*
Senior Researcher, Iranian Institute for Encyclopedia Research
Periodicity:August - October'2014


Societies have striven through centuries to develop educational systems that would foster the most idealistic educational outcomes among learners. A brief overview of the existing body of knowledge on this issue shows the recurring patterns of underachievement and the growing rates of student drop-outs which have motivated psychologists and educators to attempt at a pathological examination of the causes of student failure, and models of learning and cognitive styles which were proposed as possible explanation. The aim of this paper is to briefly review some of the most influential models and to draw readers' attention to inherent shortcomings of the models. The methodology used for this study was library research, where the author took notes to gather the data needed for this paper. After a brief review of the existing models, the paper proposes a more comprehensive model, which is called the Ideal Education Model (IEM) and recommends it as an alternative to the existing models.


Cognitive Style, Thinking, Visual, Imaginal, Learning style, Democratic Education.

How to Cite this Article?

Nodoushan, M. A. S. (2014). Cognitive Versus Learning Styles: Emergence of the Ideal Education Model (IEM). i-manager’s Journal on Educational Psychology, 8(2), 31-39.


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