Study of the Effectiveness of Multi-Cultural Education on the Attitude towards National Integration of High School Students

Shaheen Perveen*
Principal, PMET (Paschim Maharashtra Education Trust) College of Education, Pune.
Periodicity:August - October'2014


The present endeavour enables the students to gain information and knowledge about different sub-cultures as well as to develop positive attitude towards national integration. A country lives and thrives in its cultural heritage. Culture is a treasure to be preserved, perpetuated and promoted. Today's students will be the future nation builders. They should possess thorough knowledge about one's own culture and also knowledge about other sub-culture. Therefore, it is important to develop among students positive attitude towards national integration. The present research is aimed to ascertain the effectiveness of multicultural education on attitude towards national integration in students of high school. The selected methodology is experimental one in the present research using Random Stratified Sampling Technique. The sample selected for the study consists of 200 students, both boys and girls from high school. The study found that, there is no significant effect of the treatment on their attitude towards national integration.


Multicultural Education, Attitude Toward National Integration, High School students.

How to Cite this Article?

Perveen, S. (2014). Study of the Effectiveness of Multi-Cultural Education on the Attitude towards National Integration of High School Students. i-manager’s Journal on Educational Psychology, 8(2), 25-30.


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