Parenting Styles: A Key Factor to Self Determination and Personal Growth of Adults

Manika Arbab Aslam*, Sarwat Sultan**
*-** Department of Applied Psychology, Bahauddin Zakariya University, Mulatn.
Periodicity:August - October'2014


The study was conducted to explore the impact of parenting styles of adolescents on their self- determination and personal growth. The data was collected from 300 adults evenly divided by gender, aged 23-38 years. To measure the parenting styles, level of self-determination and personal growth, the Caregivers Practices Report, Self Determination Scale, and Personal Growth Scale were used respectively. Results showed that the authoritative parenting style compared to authoritarian and permissive parenting styles are the significant determinants of high self determination and personal growth among adults. It was also found that, self determination is positively correlated with personal growth. The results pertaining to gender differences also showed significant differences in self determination that suggested that male showed high self determination than female adults. However, no gender differences were found in personal growth.


Authoritarian Parents, Parenting Practices, Personal Growth, Self-determination.

How to Cite this Article?

Aslam , M. A., and Sultan, S. (2014). Parenting Styles: A Key Factor to Self Determination and Personal Growth of Adults. i-manager’s Journal on Educational Psychology. 8(2), 20-24.


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