Green Marketing: Issues and Concerns for Modern Business

Rohit Singh*, Dinesh Kumar Sharma**
* Reader, Sr. Lecturer, Department of BusinessManagement, School of Management Sciences, Varanasi.
** Lecturer in Department of Business Management, School of Management Sciences, Varanasi.
Periodicity:June - August'2008


Green Marketing is the marketing of products that are considered to be environmentally safe and secure. It includes a broad range of activities, namely product modification, changes to the production process, packaging changes, as well as modifying advertising and promotion aspect. Commonly it is also used as Environmental Marketing and Ecological Marketing. In recent years one of the major concerns for marketing firm is its impact on the environment and increasing ecological imbalance. Those critical of marketing’s effect on the environment point to such issues as the use of excessive, non-biodegradable packaging (e.g., use of plastics, placing small products in large packages, etc.), the continual development of resource consuming products (e.g., construction of new buildings, golf courses, shopping malls, sky scrapers etc.), the excessive use of unsightly and wasteful methods of promotions (e.g., outdoor billboards, direct mail, etc.). Marketers have begun to respond to these concerns by introducing “green marketing” campaigns that are not only intended to appease critics but also take advantage of potential business opportunities. This research paper is an attempt to find out the various Green (environmental) issues an organisation must consider while undergoing any activity and its adherence in day to day business operations for being economic feasible as well as socially responsible entity.


Green Marketing, Ecological & Environmental Marketing, Business Operations

How to Cite this Article?

Rohit Singh and Dinesh Kumar Sharma (2008). Green Marketing: Issues and Concerns for Modern Business. i-manager’s Journal on Management, 3(1), 26-30.


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