Impact of the HRM practices on Organizational Commitment of Managerial Employees in the Textile industry

Shruti*, N.S. Bhalla**, T.S. Sidhu***, Sanjeev Sharma****
*,**** Research Scholar, Punjab Technical University, Kapurthala, Punjab, India.
** Director, Global Institute of Management, Amritsar, Punjab, India.
*** Director, Shaheed Bhagat Singh Technical Campus, Ferozepur. Punjab, India.
Periodicity:June - August'2014


The present study is in the light of the liberal global Indian economy that has led to a competitive environment. In the changing scenario of the global business environment with a highly competitive market economy, the Human Resource Management practices (HRM) provide an edge to an organization. This paper builds on the previous theories & research in the Human Resource Management practices to find out the relation between the firm's strategy regarding human resources and Organizational Commitment. This study is an attempt to understand the impact of the HRM practices on Organizational Commitment of Managerial Employees in the Textile unit of Punjab. The data were gathered by administering questionnaires. This study reveals that the HRM practices are strong predictors of Organizational Commitment of managerial employees in the Textile unit of Punjab surveyed. The present study also aimed at assessing how much of commitment in the unit can be attributed to HRM practices. For this purpose, the data of 100 participants were randomly selected. HRM practices and Organizational Commitment were measured by likert scale. Data were analyzed by t-test and multiple regressions.


Human Resource Management, Organizational Commitment, Managerial Employees

How to Cite this Article?

Shruti, N.S. Bhalla, T.S. Sidhu and Sanjeev (2014). Impact of the HRM practices on Organizational Commitment of Managerial Employees in the Textile industry. i-manager’s Journal on Management, 9(1), 41-47.


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