Retail Outlet Engagement and Expansion Program in Indian Telecom Sector

Debajani Sahoo*, A. Vidyadhar Reddy**
* Post Doctoral Fellow, Department of Business Management, Osmania University, Hyderabad, India.
** Professor, Department of Business Management, Osmania University, Hyderabad, India
Periodicity:June - August'2014


There is an increased competition in the Indian telecom industry which has forced the teleservice providers to give more attention on service quality, customer and retailer satisfaction. The academicians have also been studying quality & satisfaction to understand the determinants and processes of market evaluation. The Indian telecom market may enjoy good growth rate owing to lower tele-density, stiff competition and lower tariffs. To beat the competition, retailer satisfaction is equally important like customer satisfaction; as satisfied retailer can bring more loyal customers to the organization. The objective of the present study is of two folds. At first, to identify the retailer's satisfaction dimension in the prepaid segment based on the services provided by service provider (Network quality, Grievance handling, Schemes provided, Margin rate as regards to the service provided). Secondly, to examine whether cross sectional demographics of retailers impact their business transaction with the telecom service providers. The study conducted by survey process having sample size of 400 retailers represent 93.6 percent response rate. The retailers who were already selling the LAPU recharges and in case of the new outlets, untapped shops were being targeted. Convenience sampling method which is used in this study is considered as non-probability sampling. Multiple Regression and Anova has been used through SPSS 20 for the data analysis. This study will help the telecom managers to design the relationship marketing strategies for different set of retailers with varied requirements. It will help the telecom industry to further dissect the market and find out more retailer base from the growing market in India.


Retailer's Satisfaction, Telecom Service, Organization Performance, Service Quality, Relationship Marketing

How to Cite this Article?

Debajani Sahoo and A. Vidyadhar Reddy (2014). Retail Outlet Engagement and Expansion Program in Indian Telecom Sector. i-manager’s Journal on Management, 9(1), 12-23.


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