Autocratic Leadership in Nursing

Shams Ul Huda*
*Student, The Aga Khan University School of Nursing and Midwifery, Pakistan.
Periodicity:August - October'2014


Nursing profession in Pakistan is in a transitional phase; Pakistan Nursing Council (PNC) directed the nursing institutes in the country that till 2020 a diploma will be phased out, and the degree will be the minimum required for practice in the nursing profession. The role of leaders is very crucial to attract youngster across the country; however, the leaders' attitude and behavior result in increased turnover of nurses, decreased morale of nurses, and demotivation among faculty and staff. Majority leaders in nursing profession lack the leadership attributes, and practice traditional autocratic style of leadership. This paper discusses about the issues in nursing institutes due to incompetent leadership. The issue is thoroughly analyzed in light of current literature, and recommendations are given to solve the leadership issues in nursing education. Autocratic leadership is not suitable for the growth and development of the nursing profession. The best way to tackle the current issue in nursing leadership is to adopt a transformational leadership style.


Leadership, Leadership Styles, Nursing Leaders in Pakistan.

How to Cite this Article?

Huda, S.U. (2014). Autocratic Leadership In Nursing. i-manager’s Journal on Nursing, 4(3), 25-29.


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