Does Communication Really a Matter of Concern in Unconscious Patients?

Shaista Rajani Meghani*, Neelam Saleem**
*-** Students, Aga Khan University School of Nursing and Midwifery, Karachi.
Periodicity:August - October'2014


Effective communication is a keystone of the nurse patient relationship. It takes many forms and it is more than just talking and listening. Communication is a process which can enable the nurse to establish a human to human relationship and thereby fulfill the purpose of nursing. Communicating with unconscious patients or comatose patients is always challenging for healthcare professionals. However, communication considers as an integral part of health care practice. Although communicating with unconscious patients is a big challenge for all healthcare professions. But on the ethical ground, it is a right of a patient to be informed, timely regarding any procedure and treatment. Especially, in critical care area nurses and physicians are dealing with a lot of patients receiving life saving treatments, and they intend to forget to communicate with their patients who needs respect and care because they are unconscious (Casbolts, 2002). Therefore, it is the responsibility of healthcare professionals as the first line in communicating with their patients who has a lack of good communication and on ventilators. This paper will focus on the significance and factors contributing in communicating with unconscious patients.


Communication, Unconscious Patients, Ventilated, Intensive Care Unit, Healthcare Professionals.

How to Cite this Article?

Meghani, S.T., and Punjani, N.S. (2014). Does Communication Really a Matter of Concern in Unconscious Patients?. i-manager’s Journal on Nursing, 4(3), 16-19.


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