Implementation of Single and Double Stage Control of DC Traction Motor using MATLAB

M. Devarajan*
PG Student, Kingston Engineering College, Vellore.
Periodicity:April - June'2014


This paper describes about the single and double stage control of DC traction motor. DC series motors provide excellent control of speed for acceleration and deacceleration and it is used for their simplicity, each of application and favourable cost still in indian country most of the locomotive run with DC motor only because DC series motor is high starting torque with load hence it is preferable for traction purpose. The invention relates generally to traction motor control systems, and relates more particularly to locomotive traction motor suspension and current control systems. In this case describes controlling of single and double stage of DC series traction motor. The simulation and experimental results are done by using MATLAB software package and shows the comparison results.


Single Stage, Double Stage, Dc Series Motor, Traction

How to Cite this Article?

Devarajan (2014). Implementation of Single and Double Stage Control of DC Traction Motor Using Matlab. i-manager’s Journal on Electrical Engineering , 7(4), 23-28.


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