Transformer Less High Efficiency MOSFET Inverter with H6-Type configuration for Photovoltaic Applications

Sinu K J*, K. Saravanakumar**, K. Rajangam***, Jagadeesh****
* Assistant Professor, Electrical & Electronics Engineering, SCAD Institute of Technology, India.
** Assistant Professor, Electronics & Communication Engineering, RVS Faculty of Engineering, Sulur, India.
*** Professor & Head, SCAD Institute of Technology, India.
**** Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, SCAD Institute of Technology, Palladam, India.
Periodicity:April - June'2014


A novel, high-efficiency inverter using MOSFETs for all active switches is presented for photovoltaic, nonisolated, ac module applications. The proposed H6-type configuration features high efficiency over a wide load range, low ground leakage current, no need for split capacitors, and low-output ac-current distortion. A two stages ac module combining non isolated high step up converter and high efficiency inverter with H6 type configuration used to solve the aforementioned issues. The two stages configuration can significantly reduce the power decoupling capacitance by locating the capacitor in dc link. Detailed power stages operating principle, PWM scheme and novel bootstrap power supply for proposed inverter are described. When the unipolar PWM scheme in used a transformer less PV system.


H6 Inverter, Split Capacitor, High Voltage Gain, PWM , PV Module.

How to Cite this Article?

Sinu K. J, Saravanakumar, K., Rajangam, K. and Jagadeesh (2014). Transformer Less High Efficiency MOSFET Inverter With H6-Type Configuration for Photovoltaic Applications. i-manager’s Journal on Electrical Engineering , 7(4), 17-22.


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