A Soft Switching DC–DC Converter With High Voltage Gain and Low Over Voltage Stress and Harmonics

Sinu K J*, K. Sathishkumar**, K. Rajangam***, V. Muthukumarasamy****
* Assistant Professor, SCAD Institute of Technology, Coimbatore.
** Assistant Professor, RVS Faculty of Engineering, Coimbatore.
*** Professor & Head, SCAD Institute of Technology.
**** Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering,SCAD Institute of Technology, Palladam
Periodicity:April - June'2014
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jee.7.4.2867


In this paper a soft switching dc–dc converter with high voltage gain and low over voltage stress and harmonics is proposed. It consists of a ZVS boost converter stage and a ZVS half-bridge converter stage and the two stages are merged into a single stage. The ZVS boost converter stage pro- vides a continuous input current and ZVS operation of the power switches. The ZVS half-bridge converter stage provides a high voltage gain. The principle of operation and the system analysis are presented in this paper. Theoretical analysis and performance of the proposed converter were verified on a 100W experimental prototype operating at 108 kHz switching frequency. Here both the ZVS and ZCS is done. It reduces the overvoltage stress and harmonics.


Boost Converter, Coupled Inductor, High Voltage Gain, Reverse Recovery, Zero-voltage Switching (ZVS).

How to Cite this Article?

Sinu, K. J., Sathishkumar, K., Rajangam, K., and Muthukumarasamy, V. (2014). A Soft Switching DC–DC Converter with High Voltage Gain and Low Over Voltage Stress and Harmonics. i-manager’s Journal on Electrical Engineering , 7(4), 1-8. https://doi.org/10.26634/jee.7.4.2867


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