The Effects of Techniques of Vocabulary Portfolioon L2 Vocabulary Learning

Abbas Ali Zarei*, Fahimeh Nasiri Baftani**
* Associate Professor, Imam Khomeini International University, Qazvin, Iran.
** MA Student, Islamic Azad University, Takestan, Iran.
Periodicity:July - September'2014


To investigate the effects of different techniques of vocabulary portfolio including word map, word wizard, concept wheel, visual thesaurus, and word rose on L2 vocabulary comprehension and production, a sample of 75 female EFL learners of Kish Day language Institute in Karaj, Iran was selected. They were in five groups and each group received vocabulary portfolio in one of the aforementioned techniques. Multiple-choice and Fill-in-the-blanks vocabulary tests were used to measure the participants' comprehension and production of the target words. The obtained data were analyzed using two separate one-way ANOVA procedures. Results indicated that in vocabulary production, the differences among the groups were statistically insignificant, suggesting that despite the observed differences among the means, the performances of these groups were more or less similar. However, there was a significant difference between the means of visual thesaurus and the concept wheel groups in vocabulary comprehension.


Vocabulary Portfolio, Vocabulary Learning, Word Map, Word Wizard, Concept Wheel, Visual Thesaurus, Word Rose

How to Cite this Article?

Zarei, A. A., and Baftani, F. N. (2014). The Effects of Techniques of Vocabulary Portfolio on L2 Vocabulary Learning. i-manager’s Journal on English Language Teaching, 4(3), 38-47.


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