Role of Teacher as Classroom Manager

Aijaz Ahmed Gujjar*, Bushra Naoreen Choudhry**
* Lecturer, Federal College of Education, Islamabad & Doctoral scholar at Department of Education, The Islamic University of Bahawalpur
** Lecturer, G C University, Falsalabad & Doctoral scholar at Department of Education, The Islamic University of Bahawalpur
Periodicity:February - April'2009


Proper classroom management and discipline ensure the success of learning process. Classroom management is the linchpin that makes teaching and learning achievable in the teaching learning process. It is the teacher who plays the main role in planning, organizing procedures and resources, arranging the environment to maximize efficiency, monitoring students’ progress, anticipating potential problems. In order to maintain the effective management in the classroom, teacher has to be precise and clear in directions to the students, as well he communicates well. The purpose of this study was to investigate the competencies of secondary school teachers in classroom management and find strength and weaknesses in the competencies of secondary school teachers in classroom management. Thirteen aspects of classroom management were taken and one statement was asked on each aspect and it was found that secondary school teachers are mostly good in ten aspects and not good in three aspects only.


Classroom, Management, Discipline, Test, Examination, Psychology.

How to Cite this Article?

Aijaz Ahmed Gujjar and Bushra Naoreen Choudhry (2009). Role of Teacher as Classroom Manager. i-manager’s Journal on Educational Psychology, 2(4), 65-73.


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