Web Information Systems : A Comparison Perspective ofBook Publishers

Addala Radha Krishna*
* Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, V.S.L Engineering College, Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh, India.
** Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, SIT, JNT University, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Periodicity:March - May'2014
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jcom.2.1.2844


A Web Information System (WIS) that spans across more than one industrial sector not only can offer a greater wealth of information, but also can allow incorporation of more innovative features. For instance, a WIS may offer a wide range of services to scholars by assisting them with details concerning books and their publishers. Central to this is the need for web aggregation capability to be incorporated in such a WIS. This would rely on the use of sound web data extraction tool as the basic underlying technology. In this paper, the authors present the various publication web portals on a comparison perspective.


Web Information Systems (WIS), WWW (World-Wide Web), Digital Learning, Imprints, Online Purchase, Information System (IS)

How to Cite this Article?

Krishna, A.R., and Sekharaiah, K.C. (2014). Web Information Systems: A Comparison Perspective of Book Publishers. i-manager’s Journal on Computer Science, 2(1), 1-5. https://doi.org/10.26634/jcom.2.1.2844


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