Thermal Performance of Solar Parabolic TroughAir Heater At Different Flow Rates:An Experimental Investigation

Gagandeep*, Avadhesh Yadav**
* -** Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Haryana, India.
Periodicity:August - October'2014


A solar powered air heating system using parabolic trough collector was experimentally investigated. In this experimental setup, the reflected solar radiations were focused on absorber tube which was placed at focal length of the parabolic trough. In this setup, air was used as working fluid which collects the heat from absorber tube. To enhance the performance of parabolic trough collector, four cases have been considered; ordinary absorber tube, absorber tube painted black, black painted absorber tube along with glazing, and black painted absorber tube along with glazing and secondary reflector. It was observed that parabolic trough air heater with black painted absorber tube along with glazing and secondary reflector performs better when compared to other cases. The attained maximum o temperature difference of air was found to be 37.5 C at an air flow rate of 16.83 kg/hr.


Thermal Performance Analysis, Parabolic Trough Collector, Reflector, Absorber Tube, Secondary Reflector, Air Flow Rates.

How to Cite this Article?

Yadav, A. (2014). Thermal Performance of Solar Parabolic Trough Air Heater At Different Flow Rates: An Experimental Investigation. i-manager's Journal on Mechanical Engineering, 4(4), 18-28.


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