Effects of Computer-Based Programs on Mathematical Achievement Scores for Fourth-Grade Students

Jessica Ravenel*, Dawn T. Lambeth**, Bob Spires***
* Fourth-Grade Teacher, Washington Park Elementary School, Jasper County, Georgia.
**-*** Associate Professor, Dewar College of Education & Human Services, Valdosta State University.
Periodicity:June - August'2014
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jsch.10.1.2830


The purpose of the research study was to identify the effects of computer-based programs on mathematical achievement, perceptions, and engagement of fourth-grade students. The 31 student participants were divided into two intervention groups, as a hands-on group and a computer-based group. Student achievement was measured by comparing the pretest and post test data. Students' perceptions of mathematics were determined using students' perception survey that was administered prior to implementation of the intervention and at the end of the seven-week intervention period. Student engagement was monitored using an ‘engagement checklist’ that was completed by the teacher-researcher within three times a week during the seven-week intervention period. The research findings showed that, there is no significant difference in the academic achievement among the intervention groups. All student participants showed a positive attitude related to mathematics. There was a significant difference in engagement among students in the computer-based group compared to the students in the hands-on group.


Mathematics, Computer-Based Programs, Achievement, Attitude, Engagement.

How to Cite this Article?

Ravenel, J., Lambeth,D.T., & Spires,B(2014). Effects Of Computer-Based Programs On Mathematical Achievement Scores For Fourth-Grade Students .i-manager’s Journal on School Educational Technology, 10(1), 8-21. https://doi.org/10.26634/jsch.10.1.2830


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