Making the Business Case for Corporate Sustainable Development

Robert W. Taylor*
* Professor, Dept. of Earth & Environmental Studies, Montclair StateUniversity -Montclair, NewJersey.
Periodicity:June - August'2008


Can a business case for sustainable development be made? A more common approach is to rely on business ethics to make the case for sustainable development and not to rely on basic business principles — will the business make a profit and sustain itself financially? In order to move towards corporate sustainable development, it is necessary to make a business case for sustainable development. This can be done through the use of two conceptual tools: triple-bottom-line thinking and understanding the economic dimensions of eco-system services. This paper looks at the various business responses to environmental problems; analyzes the global drivers for corporate sustainable development; fits sustainable development into business strategy; and structures specific approaches that result in both corporate sustainable development and business competitive advantage.


Corporate Sustainability; Climate Change; Ecosystem Services; Triple-Bottom Line

How to Cite this Article?

Robert W. Taylor (2008). Making the Business Case for Corporate Sustainable Development. i-manager’s Journal on Management, 3(1), 11-18.


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