Emotional Face Recognition System for Decision Making based on Statistical Features of Q-Matrix

C. Nagaraju*, D. Shara Mani**, Vijay Kumar***, C. Shobha Bindhu****
* Associate Professor & Head of CSE, YSR College of Engineering, Yogi Verma University, Proddatur
** Associate Professor of CSE, Bheema Institute of technology & Science, Adhoni.
*** Assistant Professor of CSE, Rajeev Gandhi Memorial College of Engineering and Technology, Nandyal.
**** Associate Professor & Head of CSE, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Anantapur
Periodicity:April - June'2014
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jip.1.2.2824


Human emotions play an important role in decision making. Facial expression is natural and one of the most powerful immediate means for human beings to communicate their emotions and intentions. The face can express emotion sooner than people verbalize their feelings.As technology is advancing, the demand of face emotions recognition is increasing day by day for decision making. In past years, many researchers had introduced different techniques and different algorithms for accurate and reliable face emotion recognition. One key step in facial expression recognition is to extract the low dimensional discriminative features before the feature data are fed into classifier for emotions. In this paper, the authors have presented a new method of facial expression recognition based on statistical parameters of Qmatrix. The problem addressed here is to determine which features optimize classification rate so that, such features may be used in the evaluation of statistical features for face emotion recognition. The Q-matrix is much better than that of the remaining matrix methods, because it considers all possible neighbors of elements at once. The experimental results also demonstrate significant performance improvements due to the consideration of facial movement features and promising performance under face registration errors.


Q-matrix, Entropy, Emotions, Virtual-property, Homogeneity

How to Cite this Article?

Nagaraju, C., Mani, D.S., Kumar, V., and Bindhu, C.S. (2014). Emotional Face Recognition System for Decision Making based on Statistical Features of Q-Matrix. i-manager’s Journal on Image Processing, 1(2), 1-7. https://doi.org/10.26634/jip.1.2.2824


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