Image Encryption Algorithm Based on Arnold Cat Map and Logistic Mapping

Anil Saini*, Shalza Dua**
* PG Scholar, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, R.P. Inderaprastha Institute of Technology, Bastara Karnal
** Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, R.P. Inderaprastha Institute of Technology, Bastara Karnal
Periodicity:March - May'2014


The paper presents an article on image encryption scheme. The major approach to protect an image is encryption. There are many image encryption techniques. Image encryption schemes have been increasingly studied to meet the demand for real-time secure image transmission over the Internet and through wireless networks. Traditional image encryption algorithm such as data encryption standard (DES), has the weakness of low-level efficiency when the image is large. The chaos-based encryption has suggested a new and efficient way to deal with the intractable problem of fast and highly secure image encryption. One-dimensional chaotic system with the advantages of high-level efficiency and simplicity, such as Logistic map, has been widely used now developed. The encryption use the Arnold cat map to scramble the image. Arnold's cat map's feature is that image being apparently randomized by the transformation but returning to its original state after a number of steps. The overall objective of this paper is to propose an integrated technique for image encryption.


Image Encryption; Arnold Cat Map; Non Linear Logistic Map; Key Space.

How to Cite this Article?

Saini, A., and Dua, S. (2014). Image Encryption Algorithm Based On Arnold Cat Map And Logistic Mapping. i-manager’s Journal on Pattern Recognition, 1(1), 1- 4.


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