Mining business agreements to forecast and categorize service events

Assistant Professor, Sree Vidyanikethan Engineering College, Tirupathi.
Periodicity:January - March'2014


The authors perform the investigation of the problem of business service, selection and categorization based on an expanded notion of reputation and trust. It is widely recognized now that the collaborative design of the significance of the services is the central principle of computing services. Specifically, the importance of understanding human behavior as a basis for service science is well-recognized, but is not necessarily reflected in the technical approaches. In particular, the quality of a service engagement depends on the mutual anticipations of the participants. In specific, the quality of experience that a customer derives from a service engagement would depend on how the customer potentials are refined and met by the provider during the service engagement. Indeed, this is well-known in marketing theory as the service quality GAPS model, as a basis of customer satisfaction. Here we propose a post mining process for mining business service contract agreements.



Service-oriented Architecture (SOA), Business Services, Service Selection, Categorization, Business Agreement.

How to Cite this Article?

Sujith.A.V.L.N. (2014). Mining business agreements to forecast and categorize service events. i-manager’s Journal on Software Engineering, 8(3), 35-41.


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