Synchronous Reference Scheme for Improving the Active Power Filter Performance by using Fuzzy Controller

Appikonda Mohan*, Naveen Bolisetti**, Chiranjeevi Tirumalasetty***, Mothiram Bhukya****
*, *** Electrical & Electronics Department, Vishnu institute of Technology.
**, **** Electrical & Electronics Department, SRKR Engineering College, Bhimavaram, A.P.
Periodicity:December - February'2014


This paper suggests an active power filter implemented with a four leg voltage-source inverter using DQ (Synchronous Reference Frame) based Current Reference Generator scheme. The use of a four-leg voltage-source inverter allows the compensation of current harmonic components, as well as unbalanced current generated by single-phase non-linear loads. The grid interfacing can thus be utilized as:1) Power Converter to inject power generated from rest of the grid, and 2) Shunts APF to current unbalance, load current harmonics and load reactive power demand. The compensation, performance of the proposed active power filter using an adaptive fuzzy controller and the associated control scheme under steady state and transient operating conditions are demonstrated through simulation results.


Active Power Filter, Current Control, Predictive Control, Four-leg Converters, Fuzzy Controller, DC (Direct Current, RES (Renewable Energy Source).

How to Cite this Article?

Mohan, A., Bolisetti, N., Tirumalasetty, C., and Bhukya, M. (2014). Synchronous Reference Scheme for Improving the Active Power Filter Performance by Using Fuzzy Controller. i-manager’s Journal on Circuits and Systems, 2(1), 15-21.


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