Study of Web Page Rank algorithms

Poonam Rawat*, **
* Student, G.B.P.U.A & T Pantnagar, India.
** Student, Uttarakhand Technical University, India.
Periodicity:March - May'2014


World Wide Web is growing every day, people searching for a information can be easily lost in the web. People use search engine to find relevant information from the web. So it is very challenging for search engine to find relevant and quality information from the huge collection of hyperlinked data on World Wide Web. This paper gives an introduction of web search engine with its architecture. It also describes web mining techniques and page ranking algorithm in detail. Some very important page ranking algorithms like PageRank algorithm, Weighted Pagerank algorithm and Hyperlink induced topic search (HITS) algorithm are discussed and Compared on the bases of various parameters like mining techniques, input parameter, working process, complexity, limitation and search engine using algorithm.


HITS, PageRank, Weighted PageRank, Web mining

How to Cite this Article?

Rawat, P., and Pathak, D. (2014). Study of Web Page Rank algorithms. i-manager’s Journal on Information Technology, 3(2), 36-40.


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