Segmentation of Medical Images Using Morphological Image Processing

Saheb Basha*, K. Satya Prasad**
* Professor & Vice Principal, Madina Engineering College, Kadapa, Andhra Pradesh, India.
** Director of Evaluation, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Periodicity:February - April'2009


Morphological Image Processing has became a powerful tool in Digital Image Processing, It allows processing of images to enhance image areas, segment objects, detect edge and analyze structures. It quantifies many aspects of the geometrical structure of the way that agrees with the human intuition and perception. The technique developed for binary images are a major step forward in the application of this theory to gray level images & color images. The Morphological Image Processing is based on geometrically altering image structure. In the binary image setting, an image is probed by one or more structuring elements to either extract information or to filter the image, and a similar probing also occurs in the grey scale image. Based on basic operations of Dilation, Erosion, Opening Closing, Top-hat, Morph- Gradient & Median filter one can construct a class of Morphological Image Processing Tool, which can be used in the place of a Linear Image Processing. Whereas the Linear Image Processing sometimes distort the underlying geometric form of an image, but in Morphological image Processing, the information of the image is not lost. In the Morphological Image Processing the original image can be reconstructed by using Dilation, Erosion, Opening and Closing operations for a finite no of times.The major objective of this paper is to reconstruct the class of such finite length Morphological Image Processing tool in a suitable mathematical structure using Java jdk 1.05 and also Matlab7.04.The Morphological Image Processing is implemented and successfully tested in Medical Image Analysis in detection of Tuberculosis & Segmentation of tree structure images such as retinal angiographic images.


Image Processing, Images, Retinal Angiographic Images.

How to Cite this Article?

Basha, S. S., and Prasad, K. S. (2009). Segmentation Of Medical Images Using Morphological Image Processing. i-manager’s Journal on Future Engineering and Technology, 4(3), 37-45.


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