A Study to Investigate the Relationship between Locus of Control and Academic Achievement of Students

Aijaz Ahmed Gujjar*, Rukhma Aijaz**
* Associate Professor, Department of Education, Sindh Madressatul Islam University, Karachi, Pakistan.
** BS Student, Department of Education, International Islamic University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
Periodicity:May - July'2014
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jpsy.8.1.2763


Motivation is regarded as the alpha and omega of learning .It is the heart of teaching learning process. Motivation is defined as an internal state that arouses, directs, and maintains the behavior over time. Thus motivation is the pivotal component of learning and locus of control which is one of the important factors it stems from. Locus of control is a belief about the primary source of a person's behavior- either internal (within a person) or external (with in a person's physical and social environment). The main aim of this research was to measure the locus of control of students in order to determine the degree of their externality or internality of locus of control. And to find out the gender difference in locus of control orientation at College and University levels to relate the locus of control with academic achievement. Sample of study consisted of 466 students, out of which 205 were boys and 261 were girls. This sample was chosen from two female college and one male college located in Rawalpindi city and one Co-education University Institute located in Islamabad city. The college students were mostly of 16 and 17 years age group, where as University students were in the 20 and 21 year age group. For the purpose of measuring locus of control questionnaire was used with a few modifications. Academic achievement was measured by the marks obtained by the sample in their recently held examination at their institutions. The obtained data were analyzed and interpreted using statistical tools such as: Mean Standard Deviation, t-test and correlation coefficient. The results show that the majority of students were found to be more internal than external in their locus of control. This result is enlightened with others studies that, locus of control and academic achievement were related positively to each other. Boys were found to be more internal than girls at college level however, no gender differences in locus of control were found at the University level.


Locus of Control, Internal and External, Relationship, Academic Achievement.

How to Cite this Article?

Gujjar , A. A., and Aijaz, R. (2014). A Study To Investigate The Relationship Between Locus Of Control And Academic Achievement Of Students. i-manager’s Journal on Educational Psychology, 8(1), 1-9. https://doi.org/10.26634/jpsy.8.1.2763


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