LECSA - A New Scheduling Approach For Radiation Monitoring WSN

Rathna R.*, A.Sivasubramanian**, T. Sasipraba***
* Research Scholar, Faculty of Computing, Sathyabama University, India.
** Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Tagore Institute of Engineering and Technology, Salem. India.
*** Faculty of Computing, Sathyabama University, India.
Periodicity:April - June'2014
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jwcn.3.1.2735


Sensor networks have recently emerged as a platform for several important surveillance and control applications. Sensor nodes are typically less mobile, more limited in capabilities, and more densely deployed than Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANETs). Clustering the sensor nodes will reduce the energy wastage to some extent. First, it is considered that the arrangement of clusters is depending upon the intensity of data in a particular area. This selection of clusters is decided at the real – time deployment phase, and our simulation work considers it on a 2 – D spatial domain. Second, each cluster has an interconnected data exchange procedure which makes use of cluster head selection and consequently, each node transfers its information to the cluster head. The energy of each wireless node should be conserved and minimum utilization during the collection and transfer of data should be achieved. Keeping this as objective, a moderately energy efficient TDMA (Time Division Multiple Access) based scheduling algorithm called as Load and Energy Consumption based Scheduling Algorithm (LECSA) has been developed and implemented in the simulation.


Clustering, MAC (Medium Access Control), Schedule, WSN(Wireless Sensor Nodes), Mote.

How to Cite this Article?

Rathna, R., Sivasubramanian, A., and Sasipraba, T. (2014). LECSA - A New Scheduling Approach For Radiation Monitoring WSN. i-manager’s Journal on Wireless Communication Networks, 3(1), 1-6. https://doi.org/10.26634/jwcn.3.1.2735


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