Cascaded Operation of Buck Converter

R. Premalatha*, Dr. P. Murugesan**
* Research Scholar Sathyabama University, Chennai, India.
** Professor & Head ,S.A Engineering College, Chennai, India.
Periodicity:January - March'2014


This paper deals with the simulation of Cascaded Interleaved Buck Converter (IBC) with open source operation having low switching losses, less ripple and improved step-down conversion ratio, which is suitable for the application where the input voltage is high. A series of active switches with coupling capacitor are employed in the power circuit. This paper deals with Cuk, Sepic and Zeta converters. All active switches are only stressed with half of the input voltage before turning on or after turning off the proposed IBC. The capacitive discharging and switching losses can be reduced considerably to have higher efficiency, higher step-down conversion ratio, higher switching frequency and a smaller output ripple compared with a conventional IBC. The model of cascaded Interleaved buck converter system are presented.


IBC (Interleaved Buck Converter), DC Converter (Direct Current Converter), Interleaved Buck Converter

How to Cite this Article?

Premalatha, R., and Murugesan, P. (2014). Cascaded Operation of Buck Converter. i-manager’s Journal on Electrical Engineering , 7(3), 35-38.


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