Comparative Evaluation of Image Watermarking Methodin Health Care

Ritu Agrawal*, Manisha Sharma**
* Research Scholar, Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, B.I.T, Durg(C.G)
** Professor, Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, B.I.T., Durg (C.G.)
Periodicity:January - March'2014


Medical image watermarking has become an important research area in the field of data security and confidentiality as patient's medical records are linked to open environment for further diagnosis and long term storage. Confidentiality of patient's data can be achieved by hiding Electronic Patient's Record (EPR) data in corresponding medical images, thus saving storage space and bandwidth requirement at the time of transmission. However, medical images require extreme care when embedding additional data within them because the additional information must not affect the image quality and readability. This paper makes a review of twenty five different watermarking algorithms for medical images in terms of patient information hiding scheme as well as to protect medical images from any unauthorized access. The objective of this paper is to conduct a research on medical image applications and advantages and also, discuss the performance analysis of described medical image watermarking methods in terms of PSNR (Peak Signal to Noise Ratio) and MSE (Mean Square Error).


Medical Image Watermarking (MIW), Electronic Patient Record (EPR), Confidentiality, Integrity, Authentication.

How to Cite this Article?

Agrawal, R., and Sharma, M. (2014). Comparative Evaluation of Image Watermarking Method in Health Care. i-manager’s Journal on Image Processing, 1(1), 18-29.


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