Binary Image Enhancement using PAI Model for Noise Suppression in Spatial Domain

I. Suneetha*, T.Venkateswarlu**
* Associate Professor,ECE Department,AITS,Tirupati,India.
** Professor,ECE Department,S.V. University College of Engineering,Tirupati,India.
Periodicity:January - March'2014


The main objective of binary image enhancement is to process a binary image so that result is more suitable for specific application. While processing images, noise corrupts due to sensing of images sensed by malfunctioning cameras, image storage in faulty memory locations and image transmission via noisy channels. Binary images are useful for some applications as they need less memory for storage, less bandwidth for transmission and less computational time for processing. Hence it is necessary to suppress noise in noisy images to extract the necessary details. This paper proposes binary image enhancement technique using a parameterized adaptive iterative model in spatial domain. The type of noise considered is salt and pepper noise. Performance of the proposed method can be measured via subjective results like input-output images and objective like peak signal to noise ratio.


Binary Image Processing (BIP), Image Enhancement (IE), Parameterized Adaptive Iterative (PAI).

How to Cite this Article?

Suneetha, I., and Venkateswarlu, T. (2014). Binary Image Enhancement using PAI Model for Noise Suppression in Spatial Domain. i-manager’s Journal on Image Processing, 1(1), 7-12.


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