Removal of Manganese from Aqueous Solution by Limonia Acidissima Hull Powder as Adsorbent

D. Krishna*, M. Suresh**, I.S. Srikhar***, N. Madhuri****
*-**-***-**** Department of Chemical Engineering, M.V.G.R. College of Engineering, Vizianagaram, India.
Periodicity:February - April'2014


Heavy metals like manganese(Mn II ) have been widely used in various industries like rubber processing, mining, fertilizers, leather, chemical manufacture, metal finishing, metal plating, paint industry and many other industries. Since manganese interferes with laundering operation, imparts objectionable stains to plumbing fixture and causes trouble in distribution systems by supporting growths of iron bacteria, it is very much required to remove manganese from effluents before allowing it to enter on any water system or to land. In this present study, the removal of manganese by adsorption on the limonia acidissima hull powder as adsorbent has been investigated in batch experiments. The agitation time, the adsorbent size, adsorbent dosage, initial manganese concentration and the effect of pH solution are studied. Adsorption mechanism is found to follow ‘Langmuir’ and ‘Freundlich’. The adsorption behavior is described by a second order kinetics. Percentage removal of manganese (VI) is found to be 84.41% at pH=4, w=0.2g, dp=89μm and temperature=303 K. The results obtained in this study illustrate that limonia acidissima hull powder is an effective and economically viable adsorbent for manganese removal from industrial waste water.


Adsorption, Batch Technique, Isotherms, Kinetics, Limonia Acidissima Hull Powder.

How to Cite this Article?

Krishna, D., Suresh, M.,Srikhar, I.S., and Madhuri, N. (2014). Removal Of Manganese From Aqueous Solution By Limonia Acidissima Hull Powder As Adsorbent. i-manager’s Journal on Future Engineering and Technology, 9(3), 22-30.


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