Studies on Alcohol Fermentation of Cashew Apple Juice Using Saccharomyces Cerevisiae

S.K. Masud Hossain*, N. Anatharaman**
* Principal, Muslim Association College of Engineering, Venjaramoodu, Trivandrum, India.
**Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirapally, India.
Periodicity:February - April'2014


The use of cashew apple juice to produce biofuel-alcohol by biotechnological process represents an important alternative to avoid wastage of large quantity of the fruit. Faced with the challenges of transforming raw materials and given the large amounts of cashew fruits destroyed at the expense of cashew nuts, a study of the fermentation of cashew apple juice is required for economic utilization of the agro-residue. This paper focuses on the alcohol fermentation of cashew apple juice by inoculation with yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae in CSBR. The optimum parameters for the bioethanol fermentation are time, 96 h; pH, temperature, 55ºC; stirring speed, 35 rpm; cashew apple juice concentration 400 g/L. Maximum yield of ethanol was found to be 0.493 g/g of cashew apple juice at the optimum −1 −1 parameters. The sp. yeast growth rate (m) was 7.05 s and maximum sp. yeast growth rate ( m) was 14.10 s using MAX Monod Model respectively. The enzyme kinetic parameter (Km) was 160.5 g/L for ethanol fermentation at optimum bioprocess conditions. Kinetics of ethanol fermentation from cashew apple juice shows a good agreement with the first order rate kinetics.


Cashew Apple, Ethanol, Fermentation, Optimum, Yeast.

How to Cite this Article?

Hossain , S..K. M., and Anatharaman, N.(2014). Studies On Alcohol Fermentation Of Cashew Apple Juice Using Saccharomyces Cerevisiae. i-manager’s Journal on Future Engineering and Technology, 9(3), 7-15.


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