Usage of E-Learning Tools: A Gap in Existing TeacherEducation Curricula in India

Deepty Gupta*, Gaurav Singh**
* Research Scholar, School of Education, Indira Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi (India).
** Assistant Professor, School of Education, Indira Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi (India).
Periodicity:April - June'2014


In India usage of internet in education is not an innovation, but it is still considered to be in initial stages. Government of India has taken lot of initiatives for the implementation of e-learning at all the levels of education from past many years, but still teacher education programme around the nation continue to be challenged to prepare prospective teachers for using technology meaningfully in their instruction, as they are not yet prepared to do so. National Curriculum Framework for Teacher Education (2009) has also embedded the part of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) in the curricula of teacher education but there is disinclination for the usage by both teacher educators and trainee teachers. In order to explore deeper in the realm of it, the researchers had conducted a study to identify the status of e-learning in curricula of teacher education, infrastructural facilities, and usage of e- learning tools for instruction by teacher educators and trainee teachers. The findings of the study have revealed that though the curricula related to e- learning was ample in the selected university but the infrastructural facilities were not accomplished in many terms like internet connection and time provided to use it. The trainee teachers were skilled with the basic computer applications but they are lacking the skill of using various special skills required for e- learning. Also the usage of e-learning tools by teacher educators like email, chat, discussion groups, downloading the content was average but they are not involved in preparing online courses, taking online classes, video conferencing and uploading the educational content. Similar results were found in case of trainee teacher for which they are motivated to use the elearning tools.


Teacher Education, E-learning Tools, Curriculum.

How to Cite this Article?

Gupta, D., and Singh, G. (2014). Usage of E-Learning Tools: A Gap In Existing Teacher Education Curricula In India. i-manager’s Journal of Educational Technology, 11(1), 30-40.


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