Corporate Governance, Profile of the Executive Directors and the Rate of Refunding of Microcredits in the case of the Tunisian Associations of Microfinance

Mighri Zouhayer*, Akachi Samir**, Jarboui Anis***
* Ph.D Student, Finance and Accounting Methods, Laboratory RTIGE, University of Sfax, Tunisia.
** Faculty of Economics and Management of Sfax, Tunisia.
*** Higher Institute of Business Administration of Sfax, Tunisia.
Periodicity:December - February'2014


The objective of this paper is to analyze the role allotted to the mechanism in the determination of the financial performances of associations of microcredit in the specific case of Tunisia. In this respect, the authors have integrated the characteristics of Executive Directors and have transposed the various instruments of governance largely treated in the case of banks to the sector of microfinance. Moreover, they resort to the rate of refunding as an indicator of the financial performance of associations of microcredit.


Corporate governance, Rate Of Refunding, Executive Director Profile, Microcredit, Tunisia.

How to Cite this Article?

Zouhayer, M., Samir, A., & Anis, J. (2013). Corporate Governance, Profile of the Executive Directors and the Rate of Refunding of Microcredits in the Case of the Tunisian Associations of Microfinance. i-manager's Journal on Management, 8(3), 1-16.


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