A Study to Assess the Achievement Motivation of Higher Secondary Students In Relation to their Noise Sensitivity

Premalatha Jayachandra*
Assistant Professor, Christian College of Nursing, Neyyoor, Tamil Nadu, India.
Periodicity:February - April'2014
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jpsy.7.4.2654


Disturbing sounds are often referred to as noise, and if extreme enough in degree, intensity or frequency, it is referred to as noise pollution. Achievement refers to a change in study behavior in relation to their noise sensitivity and learning in the educational sense by achieving results in changed responses to certain types of stimuli like noise sensitivity.It is the more specialized skills which are taught in school which depends greatly both on the effectiveness of instruction and practised on the students interest. This study is an attempt to explore the relationship between achievement motivation and noise sensitivity of higher secondary students. Data were collected from 200 Higher Secondary students which was selected through stratified random sampling from four schools in Kanyakumari District through questionnaire. Data were collected through survey method and were analyzed with the help of descriptive, correlational and regression analysis. Findings revealed that the achievement motivation of Higher Secondary students are highly related to their noise sensitivity and student with a positive attitude to the noise sensitivity tend to develop a high achievement motivation.


Achievement Motivation, Higher Secondary Students, Relation, Noise sensitivity.

How to Cite this Article?

Latha , P.(2014). A Study to Assess The Achievement Motivation of Higher Secondary Students in Relation to Their Noise Sensitivity. i-manager’s Journal on Educational Psychology, 7(4), 25-30. https://doi.org/10.26634/jpsy.7.4.2654


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