Effect Of CAI On Achievement Of LD Students In English

R.T. Sivaram*, R. Ramar**
* Post Graduate English Teacher, TNPMMN H.S.S, Virudhunagar, Tamilnadu.
** Principal, P.S.R. College of Education, Sivakasi, Virudhunagar, Tamil Nadu.
Periodicity:January - March'2014
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jelt.4.1.2638


The present experimental study was undertaken with three objectives in view, (i) to identify students with language learning disabilities (ii) to develop CAI software to teach LD students through computer-assisted instruction and (iii) to measure the effectiveness of CAI with special reference to LD students. Two matched groups of LD students were constituted for the purpose of this experiment and a normal group comprising average and above average students was also formed in order to assess how far Computer-Assisted Instruction enabled the LD students to cope with normal students. The control group and the normal group were taught through traditional lecture method while the experimental group was taught through Computer-Assisted Instruction. The obtained results show that the computerassisted instruction was more effective than the traditional lecture method in teaching and learning of English with record to the students with language learning disabilities and it enabled the LD students to cope with normal students to a considerable extent.


Computer-Assisted Instruction, Learning Disabilities, Academic Achievement, Progress and Rate of Progress, Strategy Effectiveness

How to Cite this Article?

Sivaram, R. T., and Ramar, R. (2014). Effect Of CAI On Achievement Of LD Students In English. i-manager’s Journal on English Language Teaching, 4(1), 12-17. https://doi.org/10.26634/jelt.4.1.2638


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